Thursday 14 August 2014

The British post: 12 questions about me!

My beautiful friend Charlotte at A Much Prettier Puzzle tagged me recently in a post about British culture, originally created by Sammi from Beauty Crush. So here goes...

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? + How many sugars?

I have just one cup of tea first thing in the morning, as soon as I get up. It’s like a warm hug but with a little caffeine to give me the wake up I need! I prefer a really good coffee the rest of day. No sugar for me….I’m sweet enough!

2. Favourite part of your roast?

Absolutely without a doubt roast potatoes. I’ve been known to put away 14 (a couple of them were pretty small to be fair!) in one mealtime. My dad possibly makes the Greatest Ever Roast Potatoes In The World (official title!) and I’m delighted to see my daughters already share my love of the great roast potato!

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?

Hmmm…I’m not a huge biscuit fan to be honest…can I say a Twix? I don’t know if that counts as a biscuit but I can remember biting off each end and using the Twix like a straw until it goes all gooey and lovely! Mmmm..lush!

4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?

Is Gin British? I’m not 100% sure it is, but there’s so many British brands of gin, I think it might count. I love a good Gin & Tonic, especially on a Friday evening, after a long week. My favourite has to be Scottish gin Hendrinks, served with cucumber. Hmmm, is drinking gin an actual pastime?!

5. Favourite word?

A bit soppy but I think it might be ‘Mummy’. I still love hearing my babies call me mummy or mama (apart from when it’s said with a whining voice!). My youngest daughter’s favourite word right now is ‘MINE’!

6. Cockney rhyme slang?

It’s a bit saucy but love Bristols for boobies!

7. Favourite sweet?

Are we talking traditional sweets that you’d find in a lovely quaint old-fashioned sweet shop? If so, I’d probably say Rhubarb & Custards. If I’m allowed any kind of sweets, then I really love a Haribo star mix or those Flying Saucers, with sherbet inside!

8. What would your pub be called?

I love random pub names, where the two things don’t really go together – like the Drum & Monkey or the Wolf and Whistle. I think I'd go for...the Duck and Doorbell!! 

9. No.1 British person?

Am I allowed two? I ADORE Prince William and Princess Kate. They seem like such a down to earth, genuine, kind couple. I love Kate’s effortless style and how well she seems to handle the media. I don't doubt they have a great team behind them, but they appear to be lovely people. 

10. Favourite shop / Restaurant?

I love Le Monde, a fish restaurant in Cardiff. They've just opened one in Birmingham too, so I can't wait to try it out.

11. What british song pops into your head?

It has to be something from the BritPop era - Oasis, Wonderwall 

12. Marmite?

No thanks! My sister used to chase me around the kitchen with a tub of marmite - gross!!